Course: ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Thinking Like a Rocket Scientist an...


๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Thinking Like a Rocket Scientist and Engineer: Unlock the secrets of First Principles Thinking, Physics, Engineering and Problem-Solving Skills

๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Introduction and First Principles


๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Solving Problem - Trial Error - Fail - Improve


๐ŸŽฎ Simulation Game-based Learning and ๐ŸŽ“ Disposition towards Learning and Complexity

Text lesson

๐ŸŸข๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿฅผ๐Ÿ”ฌ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿงฐ Using KSP to Learn the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)

In this lesson, we will be using this fun and engaging game to learn about STEM concepts and principles, and even inspire us to pursue careers in these fields. The activities in this lesson provide a range of opportunities for learners to engage with STEM concepts and principles through the game Kerbal Space Program (KSP). Whether working solo or in a team, learners can design and build their own spacecraft, experiment with different configurations and designs, and practice their spaceflight skills. They can also conduct research on real-world applications of STEM concepts in space exploration, and compare them to their experiences in the game. Additionally, learners can use the game’s advanced features and tools, such as “Science Mode” and “Orbit Mode,” to conduct experiments and simulations, and even participate in online communities and modding to enhance their learning experience. With these activities, learners will have the chance to explore and discover the exciting world of STEM through the engaging and immersive platform of KSP.

KSP Kerbal Space Program

The Rocket Science game Kerbal Space Program (KSP) provides a fun and engaging way to learn about STEM concepts and principles, and can even inspire players to pursue careers in these fields.

To begin, you will need to gather the necessary parts and equipment for your spacecraft. This includes things like solar panels, batteries, propulsion systems, and control systems. You can find these parts in the game’s “Vehicle Assembly Building” or “Space Plane Hangar” menus.

Next, you will need to plan out the design of your spacecraft. This will involve considering factors such as the size and shape of the spacecraft, its intended function and mission, and the location and functionality of key components such as the engines and instruments.

Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to start building! Begin by placing the central core of your spacecraft, which will serve as the backbone and support structure for the rest of the vehicle. Then, attach the other parts and modules to the core, being careful to maintain stability and balance.

As you build, you will need to consider the principles of physics, such as gravity, propulsion, and aerodynamics, in order to ensure that your spacecraft will be able to fly and perform its intended functions. You can use the game’s “Edit Mode” to make adjustments to your design or even to completely start over if necessary.

Once your spacecraft is complete, you can test it out by launching it into space and attempting to fly it. This will allow you to practice your spaceflight skills and see how well your spacecraft performs in different environments.

๐Ÿ‘‰ In the next lessons, you will find dozen of ideas and activities with step-by-step video tutorials

๐Ÿ”‘ Lesson Key Terms

  • Rocket Science – The science of designing, building, and launching rockets
  • STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • Spacecraft – A vehicle designed for travel in outer space
  • Vehicle Assembly Building – A menu in the game KSP that allows players to select and gather parts and equipment for their spacecraft
  • Space Plane Hangar – A menu in the game KSP that allows players to select and gather parts and equipment for their spacecraft
  • Design – The process of planning and creating the appearance and functionality of a spacecraft
  • Central core – The main structure and support of a spacecraft
  • Edit Mode – A feature in the game KSP that allows players to make adjustments to their spacecraft design
  • Physics – The scientific study of matter, energy, and their interactions
  • Gravity – The force that attracts objects with mass toward each other
  • Propulsion – The force that pushes or moves a spacecraft through space
  • Aerodynamics – The study of how air flows around and affects objects
  • Orbit Mode – A feature in the game KSP that allows players to simulate the challenges of spaceflight
  • Career Mode – A feature in the game KSP that challenges players to complete missions and objectives that require advanced STEM skills
  • Modding – The practice of creating and installing modifications to a game or software

๐Ÿ’ก Ideas and ๐Ÿฅผ Exploration

  • Research real-life spacecraft and space missions, such as the International Space Station or the Mars rovers, and try to recreate them in the game
  • Experiment with different designs and configurations for your spacecraft, such as adding extra solar panels or propulsion systems
  • Try building a spacecraft that is capable of completing a specific mission, such as delivering a lander to the surface of a planet or moon
  • Work with a group of friends to build and launch a spacecraft together, and collaborate on mission planning and execution
  • Use the game’s “Science Mode” to conduct experiments with your spacecraft and learn more about the principles of physics and spaceflight
  • Practice flying your spacecraft and navigating it through different environments, using the game’s “Orbit Mode” to simulate the challenges of spaceflight
  • Research and learn about the physics of spaceflight, and try to apply this knowledge to your spacecraft designs
  • Try building and launching multiple spacecraft, such as a lander and an orbiter, to simulate more complex space missions
  • Use the game’s “Career Mode” to challenge yourself by completing missions and objectives that require advanced STEM skills
  • Explore the game’s modding community and try out new parts and features that can enhance your STEM learning experience

๐Ÿ”ฌ STEM Education Ideas

  • Solo Activity: Create a series of experiments to test the effects of different variables on the performance of your spacecraft. For example, you could try adding or removing different parts or components to see how it affects the spacecraft’s stability, propulsion, or ability to complete a specific task. As you conduct these experiments, make detailed observations and record your results to analyze and understand the underlying principles at work.
  • Team Activity: Collaborate with a group of classmates to design and build a spacecraft that can complete a specific mission. This could involve creating a lander that can safely touch down on a planet or moon, or an orbiter that can collect scientific data from space. As a team, you will need to work together to plan and design the spacecraft, as well as test and troubleshoot it to ensure it performs as intended.
  • Solo Activity: Research and learn about the different types of propulsion systems used in spacecraft, such as chemical rockets, ion engines, or solar sails. Use the game KSP to create and test different propulsion systems, and compare the performance and efficiency of each. As you conduct these experiments, make detailed observations and record your results to understand how the different propulsion systems work and how they can be used in space exploration.
  • Solo Activity: Research and learn about the different types of instruments and sensors that are used on spacecraft to collect scientific data. Use the game KSP to create and test different instrument configurations, and compare the performance and capabilities of each. As you conduct these experiments, make detailed observations and record your results to understand how these instruments work and how they can be used to gather scientific data from space.

๐ŸŽจ STEAM Activities

  • Design and create a model or diorama of a real or fictional space mission, using materials such as cardboard, clay, and craft materials. Use creativity and attention to detail to create a realistic and engaging display that showcases the role of STEM concepts in space exploration.
  • Use artistic skills to create a series of illustrations or diagrams illustrating the different parts and functions of a spacecraft. Use these illustrations to create a visual guide or manual for other learners to understand how a spacecraft works.
  • Collaborate with a team to create a short animation or video game featuring a spacecraft completing various missions and tasks. Use artistic skills to design the appearance of the spacecraft and its surroundings, and use coding skills to create the gameplay and challenges.

๐Ÿงฐ Tools for the Lesson

To complete the activities and exploration in this lesson, learners may need access to the following tools:

  • Computer or device with the game Kerbal Space Program (KSP) installed
  • Art materials such as cardboard, clay, and craft supplies for creating models and dioramas
  • Coding software or platforms for creating animations or video games
  • Writing and drawing materials for creating illustrations, diagrams, and reports
  • Access to research materials and resources on real-life spacecraft and space missions

It may also be helpful for learners to have access to a printer or other resources for creating physical copies of their work, such as models or diagrams. Additionally, learners may find it helpful to have access to online resources and communities, such as forums or Discord channels, for finding additional information or collaborating with others on their projects.

๐Ÿ‘‰ย Share with us your ideas & progress and read other members’ content on our ๐Ÿ‘พDiscord server ๐Ÿš€www.CARE4Space.Euย  where there are specific channels for each topic.