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🍎 Physics Lab Course STEM Education 🎓Masterclass: ⚙️Classical mechanics 💦Fluid mechanics 🔊Acoustics 🌡️Thermodynamics 🔌Electricity 🧲Magnetism 🔭 Optical physics ∞ Modern physics

14 Students enrolled
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Physics course cover

Welcome to the Masterclass Course of Physics! In this course, we will be exploring the fundamental principles of physics that govern the way the world around us works. Whether you are a high school student or teacher, or simply someone with a curious mind, this course is designed to provide a fun and engaging introduction to the fascinating world of physics. So let’s get started!

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them. It is the foundation of all scientific disciplines and has played a crucial role in the development of modern technology. From the smallest subatomic particles to the largest structures in the universe, physics helps us understand the world around us and make predictions about how it will behave.

🔬🎨 STEAM Education💡Ideas, 🥼 Activities, 🥽 Interactive Simulations & LABs, and resources for 🎓Educators

Our lesson plans feature a variety of 💡 ideas and 🥼 activities for learners to explore and learn, interactive 🥽 simulations/virtual labs that allow for hands-on, visual learning, projects, and case studies that will allow learners to apply the concepts and skills learned in a practical setting to help learners understand and retain information. They can also be used as a supplement to traditional classroom instruction, allowing learners to delve deeper into concepts at their own pace.

The 🔬🎨 STEAM activities are designed to help learners develop creative and artistic skills, as well as 🧐Critical Thinking, ❓ Problem-Solving, 🤝 Collaboration & Teamwork, 📢 Communication skills, and using 🧰 Tools. For example, learners might be asked to create drawings, paintings, or sculptures inspired by the objects and events they learn about in the lesson, write stories/posts about their experiences, and create music or other creative content inspired by the themes of the course. They’ll encourage learners to think about the connections between different subjects and how they can be used to solve real-world problems and create new innovations.

For educators, we offer 🎓 resources including lesson plans and extra materials to help integrate the course content into the classrooms and maximize their educational value. The goal is to provide interactive and engaging content that assists students in learning and comprehending important STEM concepts, as well as valuable resources for educators.

Physics Course outline

In this course, we will cover a wide range of topics, including classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and modern physics. We will explore the principles and theories that have shaped our understanding of the universe and see how these ideas have been tested and refined over time.

  • 🍎 Introduction to physics:  we will introduce the basic principles and concepts of physics, including the study of matter and energy, the nature of the universe, and the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy. We will also discuss the scientific method and how it is used to test and refine our understanding of the world.
  • ⚙️ Classical mechanics: we will explore the principles of classical mechanics, which deals with the motion of objects and the forces that act on them. We will study topics such as Newton’s laws of motion, energy, momentum, and gravitation.
  • 💦 Fluid mechanics behavior liquids and gases: the principles of Fluid mechanics, the study of the behavior of fluids (liquids and gases) when they are in motion or at rest.
  • 🔊 Acoustics the study of sound: Acoustics is the study of sound, including its production, transmission, and perception. Sound is a mechanical wave that travels through a medium, such as air, water, or solid materials, and is characterized by its frequency, wavelength, and amplitude.
  • 🌡️ Thermodynamics: we will study the principles of thermodynamics, which deals with the relationship between heat, work, and energy. We will explore topics such as the laws of thermodynamics, heat engines, and the behavior of gases.
  • 🔌 Electricity and 🧲 Magnetism:  we will study the principles of electricity and magnetism, including the behavior of charged particles and the interaction of electric and magnetic fields. We will also explore the applications of these principles in devices such as motors and generators.
  • 🔭 Optical physics: the behavior of light as it travels through different materials, the properties of lenses and other optical devices, and the interactions between light and matter at the atomic and molecular level
  • ∞ Modern physics:  we will explore the principles of modern physics, which deals with the fundamental nature of matter and energy. We will study topics such as relativity, quantum mechanics, and particle physics.

Throughout the course, we will use a variety of methods to learn about physics, including lectures, discussions, 🥼 experiments, and 💡 problem-solving exercises. We will also explore the historical and cultural context in which these ideas have developed, and we will see how physics has impacted our understanding of the world and our technology.

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🍎 Introduction to Physics
⚙️ Classical mechanics Physics
💦 Fluid Mechanics behavior liquids and gases Physics
🔊 Acoustics the study of sound Physics
🌡️ Thermodynamics Physics
🔌 Electricity and 🧲Magnetism Physics
🔭 Optical Physics
∞ Modern Physics
Course available for 90 days
Course details
Lectures 140
Quizzes 8

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